Lead the charge as the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce heads to Sacramento to bring local, regional and state leaders together to discuss policy priorities that are in the best interest of business and job creation in the San Diego-Baja mega-region.

1:00 PM
Opening Lunch – Hot Topics of 2023: What You Need to Know
Sponsored by Cox Communications
Welcome:- Jerry Sanders, President & CEO, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Ben Golombek, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff for Policy, Cal Chamber
- Mark Greatrex, President, Cox Communications
- CalChamber will provide an update on the state's most important topics, expectations for the end of session, leadership changes and ballot measures.

2:00 PM
Meeting with Principal Senate Health Committee Consultant
- Jen Flory, Principal Consultant, Senate Committee on Health
- Kaitlin Chell, UC San Diego
- Review work of the Senate Health Committee and key developments so far this legislative session. Discuss ongoing concerns and objectives for healthcare providers including Medi-Cal reimbursement rates and addressing workforce shortages.

2:45 PM
Addressing the Fentanyl Crisis Panel
- Assemblymember Brian Maienschein, District 76
- Assemblymember Dr. Akilah Weber, District 79
- Senator Tom Umberg, District 34
- Amber Ter-Vrugt, Scripps Health
- Assemblymember Brian Maienschein, Assemblymember Dr. Akilah Weber, and Senator Tom Umberg will share their efforts to help tackle California’s fentanyl crisis from a public health and criminal justice perspective. Panelists will share their lessons learned from this legislative session and future efforts, as well as collaboration opportunities with the state’s business community.

3:00 PM

4:00 PM
Tackling California’s Housing Shortage Panel
Moderator and Opening Remarks:
- Senator Catherine Blakespear, District 38
- Lisa Engel, Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee Chief Consultant
- James Hacker, Governor Newsom's Deputy Cabinet Secretary
- Megan Kirkeby, HCD Deputy Director of Housing Policy Development
- Learn from these distinguished panelists about the state’s commitment to increasing housing production at all income levels, how local agencies are being held accountable, and the opportunities current and future housing policies provide for communities to thrive.

4:30 PM
Capitol Tour with Assemblymember Chris Ward
*Meet Asm. Ward at the 2nd Floor Rotunda in the State Capitol at 3:30 p.m. to be escorted to the Assembly floor.*
Space is limited, please click here to reserve your spot.
- Assemblymember Chris Ward, District 78
- Meet Asm. Ward at the 2nd Floor Rotunda in the State Capitol at 3:30 p.m. to be escorted to the Assembly floor”.

7:00 PM
Delegation Reception
Opening Remarks:
- Lisa Kay, Board Chair, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce